What exactly is the distinction between fantasy and science fiction? In any’science fiction vs fantasy’ argument, there are a few fundamental differences between the genres to consider. One of the most essential reasons to consider these genre distinctions is book promotion. Agents and publishers will want you to describe your work in ways that are specific to its genre. It is simpler for people to locate your work if it is evident that it belongs to a distinct genre. Furthermore, if you wish to create a novel, your storyline will be different depending on whether you use classic fantasy or science fiction themes and tropes. Let’s look at some significant distinctions between science fiction and fantasy if not you can even check settiSuperhero Hype's Top 10 Sci-Fi Films of the Decade

  • Science fiction is frequently concerned with technological progress like aliens in possession of sophisticated spaceship. Humans are constructing robots that will lead to their demise. Science fiction frequently deals with the issue of technology and its potential for both good and evil.
  • Science fiction makes the impossible possible. Science fiction is concerned with scenarios and technologies that are or may become conceivable as a result of scientific advancement. Fantasy is an earlier literary genre than science fiction. In fact, fantasy may be the oldest. Also, you can refer setti
  • We find stories of gods, monsters, and magic in the earliest known stories from human civilisation. Science fiction is a relatively new genre from the last century or two, with origins dating back barely a few hundred years. Both science fiction and fantasy involve the creation of alternate universes.
  • Both genres require rules. Because fantasy isn’t founded on scientific truths or hypothesis, it doesn’t imply anything goes. Certain laws must also govern a fantasy world; the difference is that the author sets up the regulations in fiction. The author of science fiction may invent some of the world’s laws, although these are frequently derived from applying scientific facts to novel conclusions.