During tanning, no SPF preparation does not completely protect the skin from the sun. UVA radiation will still affect it; it’s not enough, so lubricate the body to feel completely safe. There are  some things to stay in mind. The cream must soak into the skin to work properly, so you should use it half an hour previous to going out into the sun. The cream is rubbed with a towel and sand; you need to apply successive layers every hour or two. During tanning, sensitive areas, such as shoulders, ears, nose, or skin under the knees, deserve exceptional protection,  melanotan ii 10mg they should be lubricated more often and very thoroughly. Stay safe; it is advisable to avoid the sun between 11-15 hours. Then the radiation is the most intense. During this period, you should be primarily in the shade. Dangerous is also so-called”lounging in the sun .”

How to treat burns after sunbathing?

When sunbathing, even with safety precautions, skin burns may happen. These some simple ways will help relieve pain and irritation:

  Using a preparation with aloe extract not only soothes the pain but also does not contain any toxic substances that can cause allergies.

Vinegar, kefir, skim milk – prevent baking, decrease pain. This method is also known  melanotan ii 10mg to our mothers and grandmothers and is considered extremely effective. However, it is worth applying similar specifics at home. Their unpleasant smell can be effective in repelling.


The hat protects against stroke

When the sun is hot, put on your hat, peaked cap, handkerchief so that there is no sunburn, also known as sunstroke. His first symptoms are pain and dizziness, flushing. Then more may appear – incl. Nausea, rapid heart rate, chills, and even fainting. In the case of solar shock, you should get off the sun, sit in a cool and ventilated place, unbutton your clothes, cool the neck and head with cool compresses and drink cool water in small sips.

How to sunbathe safely and avoid burns?

During tanning, no SPF preparation does not completely protect the skin from the sun. UVA radiation will still affect it; it’s not enough, so lubricate the body to feel completely safe. There are always some things to keep in mind. The cream must soak into the skin to employment correctly, so you should use it an hour before leaving out into the sun. The cream is rubbed with a towel and sand; you need to apply successive layers every hour or two. During tanning, sensitive areas, such as shoulders, ears, nose, or skin under the knees, deserve exceptional protection, they should be lubricated more often and very thoroughly. Stay safe; it is advisable to avoid the sun between 11-15 hours. Then the radiation is the most intense.