The first step toward finding a great massage therapist is knowing what to look for. While it’s easy to search for a massage therapist in Irving that is hands-on, friendly, and listens to your needs, it’s still essential that you meet their physical qualifications as well as their education. Most states require no licensing of massage therapists; however, many states have professional bodies that require certification or at least an accredited degree.

Before choosing a massage therapist, search for their professional certification and advanced education. Doing so will also help ensure the person you choose has met the minimum standards of care set forth by the state licensing organization. There are some great schools where students undergo several hours of training to become certified in massage therapy. Training courses vary in length but generally last between 30 hours and 1500 hours; however, this varies depending on the school and its location. Researching the background of your prospective therapist will help you make an informed decision when choosing one based on personal experience over marketing pitches or flashy ads.

The best services usually make you feel most at ease and in control. Massage therapists should strive to understand their clients’ needs and create a stress-free environment. The techniques used by the massage therapist should be those that the client requests, not those the health care practitioner or therapist thinks are best for your condition. Common sense dictates that you should always consult with your physician before undergoing any form of bodywork such as massage therapy. Consulting with a chiropractor will help ensure that you are in proper health and good physical shape, but it may also identify any underlying medical conditions before they can cause more severe complications later on down the road.

When visiting a new massage therapist, inquire about their training and experience. An excellent place to start would be with an interview of the practitioner, preferably in person but at least over the phone. The right person will be able to answer any questions regarding general education, experience, and areas of specialty within his craft — all of which give valuable insight into what type of massage therapy a client might expect from this particular practitioner. If possible, ask for references from past clients and inquire whether these individuals were satisfied with their experience (and had positive results).